In today’s digital age, we’ve all seen graphics, designs, and even video content that have left us in awe. But what if I told you the person you saw in a video might not be real? This isn’t a plot twist from a science fiction novel; it’s the reality we live in today.

I recently jumped into this myself. Using just a $15 software—yes, you read that right—I was able to craft a video that was eerily reminiscent of, well, me. From the very quirks and unique mannerisms I possess, to the distinctive tone of my voice, and even the details of my home office.

Why Would Anyone Need an AI Avatar?

Great question! Here are a few reasons:

  1. Video Marketing Assets: Brands can create consistent video content without the logistics of regular shoots.
  2. Social Media Content: Imagine having influencer-like videos without the actual influencer.
  3. Online Educational Materials: Tutors and educators can mass-produce instructional content without being present for multiple takes. You can easily translate into multiple languages with the click of a button.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. The ease with which we can recreate reality brings forth a host of ethical concerns.

DeepFake Awareness and Cybersecurity

The technology I used can be used to create a ‘DeepFake’. These are AI-generated representations that can mimic real humans, sometimes to a degree that’s indistinguishable from reality.

For those who know me in real life, the AI doppelgänger seems as genuine as an actual recording of me. This underlines the astonishing capabilities of such technology. But it also serves as a poignant reminder: in the age of AI, critical thinking is more important than ever.

The Future of Marketing and Education

There’s no denying that AI avatars paired with design tools like Canva Pro are shaping the future of marketing and the future of education. Brands, educators, and creators can harness this power to craft content that’s efficient and cost-effective.

But as consumers and digital citizens, we must also sharpen our critical thinking. Always cross-check, always verify, and always approach digital content with a hint of skepticism.


Embracing new technology is vital, but understanding its implications and potential misuse is equally crucial. As we journey into the future, affordable software tools will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping digital content. It’s up to us to navigate this terrain wisely, championing both innovation and integrity.